Recent events have given a much needed boost to downtown Nicosia. It is rising from the ground. Leaving the ground. To date there are only a couple of designs that have taken on the new scale now permitted. The Labs tower is one of them. A rich program is neatly distributed across its vertical volume, sometimes effectively kept from sight through a curtain wall façade, sometimes making an appearance through severe and delightful breaks in the rising edifice. The effect is significant in the manner with which it renders the internal structure and system of the tower visible, while also preventing the object rising to its height in a single gesture. Instead, the rise occurs in increments, each segment interrupted by the bold celebration of the deftly handled structure. At these junctions occur events of a more public nature. The result is a collection of functions that ensure the building enjoys a 24/7 life span. This is not a block of offices that are abandoned at night, nor a residential element that sits empty during the working day.