Tatiana Dimou Architects
Workplaces: Offices – Institutional
Company Name
Tatiana Dimou Architects

Photo Credits: Penny Theodosiou, Theodosiou Photography, Film & Design

Project Team

Team Leader: Tatiana Dimou
Study Team: Tatiana Dimou Architects
Civil Engineer: Kanioris Apostolis
Electrical Engineer: TESCON – Chris Balatis
Supervision: Tatiana Dimou Architects
Interior Design: Tatiana Dimou Architects
Custom Furniture: Tseggenes Ioannis
Lighting: Petridis Lighting

Tatiana Dimou
Project Name:
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Workplaces: Offices – Institutional
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Project overview
In 2011, Tatiana Dimou, after a very influential trip to Japan, decided to found her first office called i_ARCHITECT, on Pantanassis Street. It was about a space of only 20 sq.m., based on the Japanese mentality of design, which can include everything harmoniously in an extremely small space. Ten years later, in 2021, she decided to make her vision of an open-space office, true. A space where art and architecture will coexist. As of the above, in 2019 Tatiana is looking for old industrial and craft spaces in Patras, a part of the city that particularly fascinates her. This search leads her to a building built back in 1910 which initially functioned as a distillery and as a carpentry shop of the Karydis family later on. She decides to renovate it and her main concern is to respect all its parts, such as the masonry, the floors and the frame of the old wooden roof. This is a space of about 130 sq.m., which was naturally lit with 2.00 m. X 2.00m. on the roof, in an attempt to reproduce the element of natural light found at the back of the building where once was the courtyard. Her love for light, nature and green made her create a space where the boundaries between inside and outside are no more clear which is proved by the fact that two imposing large trees are placed inside the building. Finally, she chooses to locate the whole team in the center of the space, around a large table, which acts as a core. Her main goal was to create an open space that will constantly change form every time an exhibition takes place as it is open to the public.
Project history
All the construction work lasted a total of two and a half months. Being your own architect is a challenge. However, we are more than happy as a team that we managed to bring to life a dream of a communal workspace that is also a cultural space. From the very first day of opening to the public with the first official art exhibition, the space left the best impressions. Even to this day, it is touching that there are people who will discover us by chance, during their morning walk, and will come in to see the exhibition and have a few words with us.Our premise is located at 24 Tsamadou Street, in the center of Patras city. One of our space’s main purpose, is to host contemporary Greek creativity from a variety of relevant fields: Architecture, Visual Arts and Design. Applying her architectural vision, Tatiana Dimou created not only a pleasant place but most of all a unique creative place which undertakes a multitude of studies from architectural and interior design to the configuration of outdoor spaces and the mark of professional spaces. Many exhibitions of important Greek and foreign artists are being organized all year round, as well.