Office building and studios for NOVA BROADCASTING GROUP

Atelier Serafimov Architects
Workplaces: Offices – Institutional
Company Name
Atelier Serafimov Architects
Project Team
Developer: Advance Properties
Builder: AT Engineering 2000
Interior Design of common areas: RM interior Design
Project Name:
Office building and studios for NOVA BROADCASTING GROUP
Company Country:
Project Country:
Project City:
Project Category:
Workplaces: Offices – Institutional
Project Area:
24718,32 m2 with the underground level / 17458.87 m2 above the ground
Completion Date:
Project overview
– modern open space offices satisfying client’s needs for a single building, accommodating the media’s group offices- 7 level building and one underground level with bathrooms, bicycle parking and private carwash for the employees – 4 modern television studios positioned above each other to save space providing direct connections to the news room and important technical rooms- innovative construction approach in terms of providing free space despite the large support distances to ensure the flexibility of the studios that accommodate multiple TV sets and layouts. – the roof is used as a private antenna field for the television installations – Innovative and sustainable design approach – the building’s facade grid is designed to provide optimal daylight levels, maintaining the building’s energy balance. The windows are positioned between these vertical elements, which enables the low winter sun to enter deeper into the work spaces while blocking the high summer sun.
Project history
The client’s primary requirements for the new development stem from the necessity of housing both the media group’s offices and broadcasting spaces within a single building. Central to this objective was the creation of a structure that seamlessly integrates the media and management facets of the owner’s business, with a particular emphasis on accommodating larger television studios. The outcome is a functional broadcasting complex featuring 3000 m2 of modern television studios alongside innovative office space.Currently, the media group operates within a 7-level building, utilizing the studios for broadcasting news and shows, thereby facilitating smoother and more successful business operations.In addition to meeting the owner’s functional criteria, the project aspired to set a benchmark for media building design in Bulgaria and Europe, focusing on architecture, sustainability, and contemporary design principles. This ambition has been realized, establishing the development as a notable example in both regional and continental contexts.