M3 Lehel tér metro station reconstruction

City Planning
Company Name
Project Team
Architecture:sporaarchitects Kft.Ádám Hatvani, Tibor Dékány, Attila CzigléczkiCollaborators:Tóth Máté, Ungerhofer Dániel, Pomázi DorottyaArchitectural general design:PARAGRAM Stúdió Kft.Balázs Csapó, Tibor Germán, Zoltán Erő (PALATIUM)Original designs by UvatervAccessibility:Henriett Szabó, Bernadett BabitsBenches:VPI Ltd.VPI Budapest, VPI Budapest, Nagy-Mihály Márk, Juhász Rozália, Vajda Szabolcs, Balog KálmánUTR:PARAGRAM Stúdió Kft.Zoltán Bukovics, Gábor Dávid, Viktor Polonyi, Balázs Csapó, Gergely Hartmann (PALATIUM), Klára Szilágyi (PALATIUM)General design, engineering disciplines:FŐMTERV Zrt.László KovácsZsuzsanna Pap
Project Name:
M3 Lehel tér metro station reconstruction
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City Planning
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Project overview
Lehel Square station is one of the stations of the newly reconstructed metro line M3. The original interior design of M3 was a design icon of the ’70s and ’80s. The reconstruction keeps the original structure in place, while making the station accessible with new elevators and providing a new contemporary look keeping the original design of the line in mind.
Project history
The reconstruction of the M3 metro line is one of the most important urban renewal projects in Budapest in the last decade. The client demanded to make the transport corridor accessible to all through functional improvements, and the overall renewal of the mechanical and electrical systems. The Lehel Square station has a two-story structure resulting a high headspace compared to other typical stations on the line. Simple stairs lead down to an underpass from the surface and further stairs descend to the platform. The gallery level became available through the removal of intermediate stairs leading up to it, and its spaces became part of the new main ventilation system. The renewal of the underpass was out of scope, though a new elevator was built to extend the accessible path to the surface.