Commercial – Retail
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Project Name:
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Project Category:
Commercial – Retail
Project Area:
8.500 sqm
Completion Date:
Project overview
The developed area is 8500 m2 on the ground floor and a partial floorLand area 24,000m2 with parking lots and exterior landscaping, terraces, green spaces.Budget of 6 million eurosThe project sought to capture the user in the ensemble for as long as possible by creating an outdoor urban space covered and sprinkled with green spaces, an outdoor food court with terraces and various food functions and a playground. Furthermore, the direct visual connection with the outside was achieved through the wide glazed surfaces and folding glass doors. The building is a landmark both in terms of color and proportions, the colors and lights are supported by simple rectangular shapes, as well as by the created urban space, which functions both during the day and at night, thus the functions are diversified accordingly.
Project history
The project started in 2019 and then continued in 2020 when it faced difficulties related to the budget but also to the function due to the crisis caused by the Covid Pandemic.People were looking for open spaces, outdoors. This determined a revision of the concept.The client needed to make sure that the project concept would withstand the newly created conditions and allow maximum and sustainable exploitation. He needed to make sure it would be a success. Together we looked for possibilities to “keep the people” so to speak “community” in the proposed development. We were able to easily adapt the function of a strip mall to the existing situation by “turning inside out like a glove” the inner spaces of the mall to the outside and in this way the Food court ended up being placed outside, in full landscape design. The strip mall involves a string of commercial spaces and services that are accessible directly from the outside, from the parking lot, here we went further, we opened the shop fronts to the outside as much as possible through large glass panels.We created a pedestrian “street” along the shops, with greenery and covered by an awning along its entire length. Initially, we had foreseen harmonic glass walls that could be completely opened to the outside in all the proposed spaces.Unfortunately, the optimization of the budget was part of the concept and only part of them benefited from complete openness to the outside. The canopy was optimized, initially being proposed with hanging plants in the idea of creating an environment, a more pleasant, more breathable climate.The execution works lasted until the fall of 2022 when the opening took place. Located in a low residential area, in a satellite of the capital, adjacent to a highway, in an area with few services and shops, the Strip mall was a success, it attracted the community, it adapted to its needs, it became a „place” for the people.The project sought to capture the user in the ensemble for as long as possible by creating an outdoor urban space covered and sprinkled with green spaces, an outdoor food court with terraces and various food functions and a playground. Furthermore, the direct visual connection with the outside was achieved through the wide glazed surfaces and folding glass doors. The building is a landmark both in terms of color and proportions, the colors and lights are supported by simple rectangular shapes, as well as by the created urban space, which functions both during the day and at night, thus the functions are diversified accordingly.The strip mall as a function is a smaller mall, placed near a smaller community, generally peripheral to the city or in the countryside.As an architectural program, the Strip mall is dedicated to neighborhood services, it is composed of spaces to be rented of 200 m2, of 60-80 m2, accessible as quickly as possible from the outside, possibly with an interior gallery.The mix of services and functions reflects the type of community and its needs. The strip mall acquires a dynamism of services and brands depending on the dynamics of the community in the area.It needs to attract attention at the beginning through a strong signal that gradually becomes a landmark in the area. These would be some of the principles followed:1. capturing the user (buyer) as a whole for as long as possible by creating an outdoor urban public space protected by the canopy and sprinkled with adjacent green spaces, which has as its final point of interest an outdoor food court with terraces and various food functions, green spaces, place to play. The shops with direct access from the outside are located along the street space. The shops acquire an identity and become recognizable through the jagged and variously colored treatment of the facade.2. direct visual connection with the outside through wide glass surfaces, opening to the outside space through folding glass doors.3. landmark by color and urban space created, day but also night (the vicinity of the A3 highway), in this way the operating times are extended in the night area, and the functions are diversified accordingly. Colors and lights are supported by simple rectangular shapes.4. the economic balance between creativity and execution costs, by optimizing materials, forms, nuanced treatment of components.5. harmonious proportioning of pillars, showcases, canopy. the simplicity of the detail6. ideas proposed but which could no longer be fully integrated: the absorption of the green space in the street space under the canopy (canopy half plants half protection), green terrace roofs for the public, the creation of a longer route for the public starting from the ground floor, on the terraces green and then going down to the field.